Posts Tagged ‘refrigerator’

Your refrigerator is a microcosm of your life.


I may have a personality disorder. I like the front of my fridge clear of clutter but the side is busy with this and that. Previously published in The Wave. You know how people look inside their friends or family members medicine cabinets*? Well, I like to peek inside their refrigerators. How is the fridge organized (or not organized)? What kind of food is in stock and how much? Even the outside of a refrigerator is telling. One can learn a tremendous amount about who a person is, just by opening up […]

tagged in refrigerator

Exposé – Living Through The Renovation


No fancy Instagram pictures here: this is exposed and unfiltered. The only source of running water in the house is in the bathroom. The fridge is upstairs as well. It makes sense to keep the coffee pot ON the first floor. It’s so annoying. After I make coffee, I usually shower. Seeing that it has been one of the coldest winters in human history, you can imagine how freezing it is trying to disrobe and shower in a house without walls or exterior siding. There’s an actual breeze in the house. It terrorizes my body. I can’t enjoy a […]

Is this normal?

Fiver in the Fridge

Does your cat jump into the fridge, guarding its contents? Is this normal? As a new cat owner I’m learning as I go but this behavior is beyond me. I thought cats regulate their eating, unlike dogs. Fiver loves food, maybe  my habits are imprinting on him? When we found Fiver, he was so thin and hungry, could it be food anxiety?  Thoughts on this matter are welcome, please comment and let me know what you think.  Thx!

tagged in cats, fiver, refrigerator

Fridge Tales: Laura and Yessit

Laura's fridge

Laura and Yessit Location: Brooklyn Nationality: Euro trash This is the “you used to be so cute… I can’t possibly be mad at you anymore” side of our fridge. We posted pics of us as kids- ends about 90% of fights. Editor’s note: This is the forth of our series “Fridge Tales”. What resides on a person’s or family’s refrigerator is a window into their personality, culture and life. Learn more about the Tomato Gals by taking a peak inside our kitchens. What does your fridge look like? We’re interested in […]

Fridge Tales: Jackie and Rich


Note: The Glorified Tomato magnet! Jackie and Rich Location: Long Island, NY Nationality: Italian Our fridge is cluttered, but full of our lives. Our fridge consists of save the dates (old, new, and homemade mocks), family photos, anything beagle related – magnets, Peanuts classics, and the real thing… pics of our dog Daisy.  Hockey/Rangers stuff of course – Rich is a huge fan. And everyday reminders (garbage schedule, cooking measurement guides, important phone numbers, etc.).  We usually remove things when we need room for something else. Our kitchen is very […]

Fridge Tales: The Gehrhardts

The Gehrhardts Fridge

Editor’s note: This is the second in our series “Fridge Tales”. What resides on a person’s or family’s refrigerator is a window into their personality, culture and life. Learn more about the Tomato Gals by taking a peak inside our kitchens. What does your fridge look like? We’re interested in learning more about our readers (that means you!). Please submit your own fridge photos with a description for us share on the blog!  I hadn’t realized our fridge was miniature until my sister-in-law Lisi pointed it out. If you live in a NYC […]

tagged in refrigerator

Fridge Tales: Fran

Ferry schedule from The Wave

Editor’s note: This is the first of our series “Fridge Tales”. What resides on a person’s or family’s refrigerator is a window into their personality, culture and life. Learn more about the Tomato Gals by taking a peak inside our kitchens. What does your fridge look like? We’re interested in learning more about our readers (that means you!). Please submit your own fridge photos with a description for us share on the blog! My favorite magnet The Honan fridge is always decorated. When the girls were little, it was adorned with […]

tagged in memories, refrigerator