Posts Tagged ‘Cats’

Swimmy’s Golden Ticket

cat fish

I don’t like going into pet stores because it makes me sad to see the animals confined to tanks and cages. Recently though, I’ve found myself inside a few. Betta fish especially, in their tiny tanks, pull at my heart. I had the thought, “Maybe I should save one.” For months, the notion of bringing a fish into my family had been swirling around my mind like a persistent current, growing stronger and stronger until the direction was clear. I would save a fish. My floating thoughts meshed together into […]

tagged in cats, fish



  My cat Johny unexpectedly passed away last week. The whole ordeal has been quite traumatic for me. I heard a scuffle in the middle of the night. He was limp in the legs, yowling and breathing heavily. I knew immediately this was an emergency. I got him in a carrier, found my keys, and headed to VERG Animal Hospital at four something in the morning. I was f*!king frantic. I was exhausted, yet fired with adrenaline. I was driving dangerously through red lights. I pulled up and just left my car […]

tagged in cats, cats of rockaway

Movin’ On Up… To The West Side


In August I wrote about Sweetie, a ”teenage” cat mom who appeared in my backyard with a batch of kittens. I wanted to follow up and share the rest of Sweetie’s journey with you. It’s been a long road. We rescued Sweetie and her three kittens July 6. It was difficult to get appointments for spay/neuter and vaccines due to Covid-19 delays. And it took some time to get the kittens adopted into good homes. Meanwhile, I grew very much attached to Sweetie. She’s a special cat – very friendly, […]

tagged in cats

Cats & Coffee

Pickle havin’ a cup! Photo by Alex Tween Previously published in The Wave. We will truly never understand the mysterious minds of cats. Among the many enigmas of feline behavior is their apparent love of coffee. I first noticed this when my friend Alex started texting me pictures of his adorable football-shaped kitty Pickle (also known as Mrs. Tween) trying to get her big furry head into a paper coffee cup! Polliwog, the kitten I bottle fed and fostered and my cat Fivey have also licked the cup a few times. […]

tagged in cats, coffee



Living in Rockaway means sharing our space with our feline friends. I didn’t make a conscious decision to get involved with cat rescue and fostering, It happened out of necessity. It all started with a tuxedo cat named Obama. Rumor on the block has it  that people moved out across the street about 4 years ago and left him behind. He made himself at home when our house was under renovation. We were residing, so there were plenty of openings for him to get inside. He’s a good cat and […]

tagged in cats, cats of rockaway, tnr


Four weeks ago my neighbor found kittens on his job site. I was shocked to see how young they were. Without much thought, I offered to care for them. The first day we lost the weaker of the two. It was devastating. That same day, I was involved with a rescue of an injured female cat in the Beach 91st Street Community Garden. My neighbor Todd and I found the young cat and brought her to Rockaway Beach Veterinary Services (92-02 Rockaway Beach Blvd). The cat, Lil Smoke, had severe […]

tagged in cats, cats of rockaway

who doesn’t love lasagna?


Garfield is notorious for loving lasagna. I can’t believe I haven’t posted on this yet – cats and pasta…! image source The Huffington Post has an article on Garfield and why he LOVES lasagna… “Like Garfield, Davis is a fan of lasagne. “Yeah, I love lasagne. I thought it would be funny to have a cat who likes lasagne but as it turns out, I hear from people all the time that their cats love lasagna.” I agree with creator Jim Davis, the comic strips are the best… image source image source The internet also […]

tagged in cats, lasagna

Meet The Patron Saints of (Bushwick) Cats

Born in Landen, Belgium in 626, St. Gertrude is the official patron saint of cats. In Bushwick, we’ve got the modern equivalent in Chris Glazier and Jeannie Purvis, co-founders of Bushwick Street Cats, – “a not-for-profit group of dedicated cat loving volunteers who help control the population of feral cats through trap-neuter-return (TNR), improving the quality of life for the community (both humans and cats).” The Patron Saints of (Bushwick) Cats I initially met Chris Glazier at a Forms show over a decade ago. When we found Fivey as a feral kitten on the street in […]

tagged in bushwick, cats, fiver, queens

Fiver escapes, fights with fluffy

I’m not sure how he got out. We were loading in some gear from the van, and had the cellar door open, but the sliding door to the storage area was closed off. I think. Fivey could have escaped from the second or third floor, but he would have had to climb down from the roof.  I’ve been letting him explore upstairs. He knows there’s another world up there, and lately he’s been meowing at the top of the basement stairs to go up. I thought the chance of him escaping out […]

tagged in cats, fiver, rockaway

Fiver Gets Breaded

Cat Breading

A little late on this trend (ok, years late) but I just couldn’t help myself. If only the bed was made this video would be perfection! I love my cat and of course I love bread. I can see this becoming a fixation.

tagged in bread, cats, fiver