Posts categorized as Gardening

Growing Connections: Designer Frederico Phillips


Apart from cultivating delicious foods and discovering the secrets of gardening, an integral appeal of participating in the Beach 91st Street Community Garden is the sense of community it fosters. Over the years, from my initial membership to assuming a leadership role, the garden has provided me with a unique avenue to connect with individuals in Rockaway whom I might never have crossed paths with otherwise. Our group is a sea of cultures and age ranges, yet we find ourselves united by our shared love for the soil. Fred monitoring […]

tagged in b91, garden, gardening

Cultivate Community: Join the B91 Garden For Their Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser!


This Sunday, May 19th, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Beach 91st Street Community Garden is hosting its annual plant sale fundraiser. Enjoy the spring air and vibrant blooms while spending time with friends and neighbors —bring a blanket and picnic to make the most of the day. This year, there are some exciting new additions you won’t want to miss! A delightful selection of plants to elevate your greenery game will be for sale. Offerings include tomatoes, aromatic basil, peppers, chives, and other herbs perfect for culinary adventures. […]

tagged in b91, events, gardening

Shape Up Your Garden: It’s time to Prune Shrubs and Trees


The cold is leaving us and the days are growing longer, it’s time to get the garden ready for spring. The first step is pruning. Living in an urban environment means our green spaces often need a little extra TLC. With a few tips and tricks, you can transform your overgrown small garden space into a flourishing oasis. Pruning trees and shrubs is essential for maintaining their health, promoting proper growth, and enhancing your garden’s aesthetic. Before you start hacking away at your precious plants, do your homework. Each species […]

tagged in gardening

Why are your tomatoes still green?


When life gives you green tomatoes… fry them. I’m getting a hunch that most of my beefsteak and heirloom tomatoes will not ripen. You may be feeling this too. We had a slow start to the summer, temp. wise. I remember 4th of July weekend was the first time it hit above 80 degrees. Large tomatoes need time, about 100 days to ripen. It’s likely with the slow start this summer, larger breeds may not make it to cherished red. Tomatoes ripen due to a combination of factors. If the […]

tagged in garden, gardening, tomatoes

Light and Fresh Eggplant-Tomato Gratin

breadcrumb mixture

Everyone is wondering what to make with their homegrown garden eggplants… besides heavy eggplant parm. My long-time paisan Rob Di Rico saw a post of mine on Instagram relating to this conundrum. He messaged me, “Paula, I have eggplants too. I made an eggplant-tomato gratin. It was delicious. It’s very fresh and light. People think gratin, they think heavy cream. Not always!” Gratin is a French culinary technique. Ingredients are topped with breadcrumbs, grated cheese, egg, butter or oil to create a browned crust by baking. The term is used […]

tagged in recipe, recipes

Simple Ways to Enjoy Herbs Of Abundance


So, you have more herbs growing in your garden than you know what to do with right? We can dry, store, and save for our winter soups but fresh is best. This may be the number one reason why we love to garden – seasonally harvested foods just taste superior. There are many ways to incorporate the vibrant flavors of herbs into our meals. Some take time though. This summer, I’ve been using herbs in a simple way. And that is the Sicilian way. The core of Italian cooking emphasizes […]

tagged in garden, herbs

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not – A Tale From The Garden


A young country girl named Susan fell in love with a sailor. When he had to leave for a long sea voyage, she promised to remain faithful and wait for his return. As time passed, Susan began to doubt his loyalty and her heart saddened. While standing in a meadow, she plucked the petals from a daisy, saying, “He loves me, he loves me not,” to determine whether her love would return. The daisy’s petals provided no answer. I spotted a patch of Black-Eyed Susans at Edgemere Farm last Sunday […]

tagged in garden, gardening, plants

The Aphid Apocalypse


At the beginning of the garden season, I noticed more aphids and white fly larvae than normal but didn’t think much of it. Three weeks later my Stella Doro daylilies were decimated. I was so angry with myself, I should know better. I had to cut the plants completely back. I thought perhaps the greenery would at least regrow but it did not. The life of a gardener… Garden friends in the neighborhood were also expressing their frustration over the pests. It’s been so bad, even the NY Post is […]

tagged in bugs, garden, gardening

Eggplant Walnut Streusel

Eggplant Walnut Streusel.

Have you had the specialty eggplant slice at Gino’s Pizzeria in Howard Beach? My lord, it is good! The eggplant is thin and perfectly tender. It’s presented on a crispy grandma slice with fresh mozzarella, and basil, drizzled with olive oil. Aubergine isn’t easy. So many things can go awry—bitterness; undercooked equals strange consistency; overcook and it’s a mush mess; oil soaked causes a stomach ache. Then there’s the tough skin, and choking hazard problem. Gretel eggplant has a lovely sweet, and nutty taste. This season in my vegetable garden, […]

tagged in recipe, recipes

Compost Your Tears – NYC Organics Program is back.

Clean, easy, food scrap storage compost method

According to the NYC Department of Sanitation 31% of the waste collected in the city is organic. Curbside composting which was on pause through the winter is back, effective immediately. Put your brown bins out curbside this week on the same day as recycling.  You may also use any can/bin labeled “Composting Bin.” Compost collection is available to all Rockaway residents – single family homes, small apartment buildings, and multi-unit residential buildings. No sign-up required. As a refresher, below is a list of common (and not so common) materials that […]

tagged in compost, garden