Posts categorized as Food

Grow, Share, Savor: Beach 91st Community Gardens’ New Herb Bed!”


We saw woody thyme scattered throughout the Beach 91st Community Garden at season’s close last September, when the colorful camouflage of rich, red tomatoes, green peppers and the lanky yellow black-eyed Susans disappeared. It became visibly clear there were duplications of so many herbs. This sparked an idea – build a communal herb garden! My friend Katherine and I presented the concept at our monthly garden meeting last season, and everyone was on board! The objective of this project was to maximize growing space in members’ plots. Given the abundance […]

A Brief History of the Tomato Pincushion


While browsing the dollar store for hair nets, for my new career in the pizza industry, the pincushions hanging on the wall nearby caught my attention, because a pincushion is a tomato. Did you ever think, “Why the hell is a pincushion a tomato?” I never did until this profound moment, where all the sound and busyness surrounding me in the store disappeared and it seemed as though there was a glorifying light around all the pincushions Photo credit, Pook & Pook, Inc. The history of the tomato pincushion is […]

tagged in history, tomatoes

Beets – Love Them Or Hate Them?

beet salad

For the majority of my life, I associated beets as the giggly mass with ringed lines that only appeared once a year on the Thanksgiving table. And the taste of the gelatinous red form wasn’t appealing – sweetness doesn’t always equate to palatability. As I evolved as a home cook, I felt compelled to explore foods that challenged me. Ahem, beets. I’ve tried incorporating the root vegetable in many meals over the years learning the flavor of fresh-cooked beets is quite good. In contrast to their canned counterpart, fresh beets […]

tagged in recipe, recipes

Embrace Your Inner Squirrel – Work For It.

nutshell texture

I’d like to revisit the topic of shelled nuts discussed in my column last week. Many of my Italian friends responded, mentioning their own childhood recollections surrounding nuts, family, and gambling. I’m delighted to hear that my words evoked memories of personal stories for others! My friend Ryan remembers being the official “nutcracker” kid. He said mostly the older folks ate the nuts. He did have a few here and there until one time at a party, he accidentally ingested a shell and almost choked to death. My girl Jodi shared, “We […]

tagged in nuts

The only mess allowed in an Italian home…

shelled nuts

Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, birthdays, and Sunday dinners at my grandparents’ house – the nuts and fanuk (fennel) were put on the table after supper. This was a “break” period from eating, before the dessert came out (even though you were still eating). It gave the women time to clean up in the kitchen and get the nice dishes out for the finale. When I say nuts, I mean shelled walnuts, almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts. At this time, 35 years ago, I don’t think supermarkets even sold de-shelled nuts, and if they did, […]

tagged in family, memories

A Place Like Know Others

Others, Washed Up, Brothers, Rockaway Beach 1

The off-season cafe, Others, located at the Beach 97th Street concession wrapped up last weekend until next year. Others brought us the combined culinary talents of Washed Up Beach Cafe ( and Brothers (@brothersrockaway) eatery. We were fed otherworldly offerings, the strongest steaming hot coffees, breakfast burritos infused with tater tots, creamy ricotta toast delicately topped with sweet carrots, warm pesto eggs sandwiches, so many sweet treats, Zak Daddy smash burgers, and pop-up specials featuring mouthwater foods from guest chefs. A beautiful, etched glass memento of the LOG was gifted […]

tagged in community, food, rockaway

M&M Christmas Cookies

M&M Christmas Cookies

In my unending quest to be seasonally appropriate and my yearning to learn how to bake sweets and eat them, I decided it was necessary to make M&M Christmas Cookies. I wanted chewy cookies (my fav), so I began an internet search. Multiple sources said 2-3 hours of dough refrigeration is needed, adding cornstarch and undercooking creates the perfect soft texture. Chilling the dough for three hours was troublesome considering my column was already past the deadline. With that in mind, I sourced the internet for the fastest, easiest, chewiest, […]

tagged in baking, christmas, cookies

Stuffed Pumpkin with Alpine Cheese and Bread


This recipe popped up on my Instagram feed and I wanted to share it with you. The stuffed Pumpkin is delicious and will be perfect on your Thanksgiving table next week! The rich, nutty cheese flavor infuses with the sweet pumpkin. The cheese melts into the tender pumpkin and forms a creamy texture. I added a hint of hot pepper for a jolt. The result: a warm, tasty comfort food that will serve as an impressive appetizer for your family and friends. A stunning centerpiece on your Thanksgiving table, the […]

Get Weird In The Kitchen With Ghoulish Quesadilla Pumpkins

Ghoulish Quesadilla Pumpkins2

If you’re a regular reader of The Tomato, you know by now that I enjoy taking on creative food projects. And Halloween is a fine time to get weird in the kitchen. Last year I made funny little Frankenstein Avocado Toasts (recipe here). This meal is a cute activity for the kiddos and they get the enjoyment of eating their monster creatures for breakfast. This Halloween weekend I challenge you to create Gooslish Quesadilla Pumpkins! I had a blast with this. Get wild with the Jack-o’-lantern expressions. The more cheese […]

tagged in halloween, recipe, recipes

Learning Through Transient Jello Sculpting

jello sculpture 1

I was in London two weeks ago for my friend Amber and Jon’s wedding! I had time to explore the city’s vibrant culture and rich history. It was a wonderful experience and I am grateful. When I returned though, I sensed a big shift. I felt unmoored. All of a sudden, it was Fall and things had changed. But you know what Fall means… jello season. With the intensity of the summer behind me, I have time to focus on jello again. I started my jello journey last March… “My […]

tagged in art, jello