Posts Tagged ‘Fall’

What to plant in your garden… now!


A few folks from the Beach 91 Community Garden reached out to me with a great question: “What can I plant in the fall?” There are many cold-weather crops we can plant for harvest before the frost, especially now in late September, as well as options for early summer harvests. It’s a common misconception that our growing season here in NYC is short.  Learning beyond the typical spring-summer vegetable plantings is a fun challenge. You will become a better gardener for it. Wanna give it a try? Make soups or sautées with […]

tagged in fall, garden, gardening, plants

Fig Follow Up

fig tree care

I have a fig tree too, just like Fran, and every other Italian woman with a small piece of land in the tri-state area. But mine doesn’t have roots in Brooklyn. Honestly, I can’t remember where mine came from—I think Home Depot. But I’ve had the tree for about 15 years, though she’s more of a twig than a tree. She first lived in a container on a roof deck, a lifetime ago when I was in Ridgewood, Queens. When the move to Rockaway happened, she spent the next 10 years […]

tagged in fall, fig, gardening

Stuffed Pumpkin with Alpine Cheese and Bread


This recipe popped up on my Instagram feed and I wanted to share it with you. The stuffed Pumpkin is delicious and will be perfect on your Thanksgiving table next week! The rich, nutty cheese flavor infuses with the sweet pumpkin. The cheese melts into the tender pumpkin and forms a creamy texture. I added a hint of hot pepper for a jolt. The result: a warm, tasty comfort food that will serve as an impressive appetizer for your family and friends. A stunning centerpiece on your Thanksgiving table, the […]

Mystery: Pumpkin, Squash or Gourd?

Pumpkin, Squash Gourd

I know… it’s August, why am I bringing up pumpkins? Well, there’s some kind of gigantic cucurbit vine growing in my front garden.  The plant started off very small. It was growing in shade, under my Echinacea. So I thought it would die off.  But it did not. It’s been getting bigger and bigger each week. The leaves are now 17 inches long and the vine is spreading at an exponential rate. From what I can see, there are almost six large female flowers. Females have a small ball attached […]

tagged in fall, garden, squirrel

Chrysanthemums Before Season

My husband hates my seasonal decorating obsession. He thinks it’s a waste of money, a waste of storage space and it’s plain ol’ silly. Despite this though, last year for our anniversary he bought me six huge mum plants from Lisena Garden Center (12-5 Cross Bay Blvd, Broad Channel). They looked beautiful on my porch. Adding the burst of yellow and orange color I needed to contrast the hay bundles and corn stalks in my fall harvest display. The flowers lasted well into late October. I never understood why people […]

tagged in fall, gardening, plants

A Three-Course Meal

Last year I battled a squirrel who decided to feast like a gavone on my amazing pumpkin and gourd display. I documented his “vandalism” on Instagram. One follower recommended coating the pumpkins and gourds with clear polyacrylic. It worked for about two weeks and then the gnawing continued. He showed no mercy! As the weeks went on, my anger subsided and I  grew a fondness for the little guy (or shall I say, chubby guy.) I looked forward to seeing him on the porch while sipping my morning coffee. This […]

tagged in fall, squirrel

The Basics On Planting Garlic


Basil and tomatoes are a staple in home gardens, especially those kept by Italians. But garlic, a base for so many meals across so many cultures is grown significantly less. Why? I’m assuming it’s because garlic is a cool-weather crop and you can’t buy a starter plant at the garden center. Moreover, many people assume the garden season ends when September hits. NYC is garden Zone 7 which means we can grow food and plant for the spring until the first frost. These days, that feels like mid-December. Kale, collards, […]

tagged in fall, gardening

Decorative Gourd Season

On a recent trip to the Catskills, I had to get some hay and additional pumpkins. It was too good of a bargain to pass up! (1)

I’m obsessed with decorative gourds. I can’t help buying them anywhere I see them – at the supermarket, at the garden store, at Home Depot. Can you blame me? There’s such a wide variety of colors, patterns, bumps, shapes and sizes. They’re perfect. In a way, Decorative Gourd Season makes me not even miss summer. My husband doesn’t feel similarly. Last week he asked “So, how much money are you going to spend on gourds this year??” I responded, trying to look really cute, “Oh, did you see this wonderful […]

Wild Bayberries – Jamaica Bay


As the name indicates, Bayberry grows around coastal areas such as bays and bogs. Matt picked this for me a few days ago in Jamaica Bay. Who needs the florist? Just forage for a bouquet! Below are other beautiful plants you can find around the Jamaica Bay area. The leaves and dried fruit of the Bayberry plant are aromatic. It’s given Greek name Myrike means fragrance. If you crush the dried berry, a strong scent will release. Bayberry shrubs therefore are widely used in soaps, candles and oils but it has more purpose, such as insect repellent. It is used […]

tagged in fall, forage, queens

Episode 9: Jumbo-laya


The weather has turned and to be honest, I prefer it. I like to cook and make big meals, which is not what you want to do in the sweltering heat of the summer. Today we are breaking out a hearty recipe from my brother James’ kitchen in Ridgewood, the Jumbo-laya. He is a renowned soup maker with his Jumno-laya as his crown jewel (I made that up, but it makes you want to watch the episode, no?). This is a very large serving, so invite a bunch of people […]

tagged in fall, newlyfed, soup