My basil leaves a lot to be desired


Here it is, past the July 4th weekend and this is what my basil plants look like (above).  Last year I was so proud that I had a red grape tomato one day after my Italian friend in Brooklyn had his first one.  This year my basil leaves a lot to be desired. My friend Fran, has a jungle of basil growing in her yard.  My sister, Brenda, has it coming out of the cracks in her deck, so it isn’t the cold Spring or lack of sunshine here in the Rock. What am I doing wrong?

I put some directly in the ground but I should know better.  In our 121 street garden, the slugs loved it.  They liked it so much they ate it all.  So too, in our new garden.  However, basil in the pots has always done well for me, even last year.  The herb plants that I purchased at St Francis de Sales farm market are doing fabulous.  The sage plant, bought in a 2″ pot, has just about taken over the entire barrel planter.  The same with all the other herb plants I got there…very good quality.  The basil plants I purchased at one of the big box stores and they are pathetic. They’re really scrawny looking.

I”m not one to give up on growing a winter’s worth of basil,  I took myself over to Lisena in Broad Channel.  I bought a four pack of basil and planted it in pots this morning.  (below).  I also went to Brown’s and got a packet of seeds.  Brown’s has tons of herb seeds if you need any.  So I have a plan B.  If the plants don’t take off, I have my seedlings to nurture.  I better get some decent basil!
