Posts categorized as Plants

Fig Follow Up

fig tree care

I have a fig tree too, just like Fran, and every other Italian woman with a small piece of land in the tri-state area. But mine doesn’t have roots in Brooklyn. Honestly, I can’t remember where mine came from—I think Home Depot. But I’ve had the tree for about 15 years, though she’s more of a twig than a tree. She first lived in a container on a roof deck, a lifetime ago when I was in Ridgewood, Queens. When the move to Rockaway happened, she spent the next 10 years […]

tagged in fall, fig, gardening

Roots in Brooklyn


Fran Honan has been contributing her writings to for the past 13 years, and her stories have always resonated with me. I’m excited to share her peice with you. It expresses sentiments about giving, community, and food.”  – Paula A few weeks ago, on a cool night in the fading days of summer, our neighbor Augustin rang our doorbell with some of the season’s bounty. It was a white basket filled with green and purple figs, grown with love and care from him all season. I’ve been obsessed with figs since I […]

tagged in fig, fig recipes, recipe, recipes

Shape Up Your Garden: It’s time to Prune Shrubs and Trees


The cold is leaving us and the days are growing longer, it’s time to get the garden ready for spring. The first step is pruning. Living in an urban environment means our green spaces often need a little extra TLC. With a few tips and tricks, you can transform your overgrown small garden space into a flourishing oasis. Pruning trees and shrubs is essential for maintaining their health, promoting proper growth, and enhancing your garden’s aesthetic. Before you start hacking away at your precious plants, do your homework. Each species […]

tagged in gardening

Simple Ways to Enjoy Herbs Of Abundance


So, you have more herbs growing in your garden than you know what to do with right? We can dry, store, and save for our winter soups but fresh is best. This may be the number one reason why we love to garden – seasonally harvested foods just taste superior. There are many ways to incorporate the vibrant flavors of herbs into our meals. Some take time though. This summer, I’ve been using herbs in a simple way. And that is the Sicilian way. The core of Italian cooking emphasizes […]

tagged in garden, herbs

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not – A Tale From The Garden


A young country girl named Susan fell in love with a sailor. When he had to leave for a long sea voyage, she promised to remain faithful and wait for his return. As time passed, Susan began to doubt his loyalty and her heart saddened. While standing in a meadow, she plucked the petals from a daisy, saying, “He loves me, he loves me not,” to determine whether her love would return. The daisy’s petals provided no answer. I spotted a patch of Black-Eyed Susans at Edgemere Farm last Sunday […]

tagged in garden, gardening, plants

2 Plant Sales, 1 Weekend!

b91 garden plant sale 2 crop bw

Garden nerds unite! There are two spring plant sale events this weekend – The Beach 91st Street Community Garden is hosting a plant sale tomorrow, Saturday May 6, from 11am-2pm. On Sunday – the following day – head to Edgemere Farm for more plants of different varieties and music. Below are the details for both community happenings. B91 Garden Plant Sale – Saturday, May 6 from 11am-2pm For sale find veg starters and herbs – many varieties of tomatoes, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, soybeans, basil, sage, parsley and more. Add […]

tagged in community, garden, plants

Leave The Leaves


The crisp air reminds me of a fall day when I was in grammar school. We went outside and collected leaves from the field next to the playground. My classmates and I were scattered about. I remember feeling anxious, wanting to find the best and brightest ones before everyone else did. I was on a color collection mission. My next recollection is staring at my precious assortment of orange and red leaves on an off-white table. I don’t particularly remember what the art project entailed or what I made. I […]

tagged in garden, gardening

What Can Rockaway Do To Support The Threatened Monarch Butterfly?


From Left to Right – Diane Cardwell, Don Riepe, Charley The Dog, Kristi Dickerson   The New York Times published an article last week stating the monarch butterfly has been placed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The Times informed, “In 2020, U.S. wildlife officials found that monarchs were threatened with extinction but declined to add them to the endangered species list because they said conservation of other species took priority…. Eastern monarchs, which make up most of the population in North America, dropped by […]

tagged in gardening, plants, rockaway

Milkweed Bugs… Caught In The Act!

Large milkweed bugs in mating position

I was gardening the other day and spotted a bug I’ve never seen before. It had bright red-orange markings contrasting the insects long black, flat body. It was on a milkweed plant. I took a closer look and noticed there were two bugs actually, connected back to back. Also on a seed pod, I saw about 12 little red dots which reminded me of aphids. Those concerned me. I thought this was a late season pest infestation. I immediately took out my phone and typed in a quick description. The […]

Easy How-To: Prickly Pear Propagation


I’ve always admired prickly pear cactus for its distinctive paddle spikes, bright red buds, and showy yellow flowers. There are 181 different species. Opuntia is a perennial shrub with waxy skin. The cactus thrives in sandy soil and dry conditions. It grows wild in arid areas in the south and southwest. Opuntia is indigenous to the Americas. Pear cactus is a domesticated crop plant grown and harvested throughout the world. Right now is the plant’s growing season and when you see “baby paddles” forming. This is the ideal time to propagate. I’ve never grown prickly […]

tagged in diy, gardening, plants