UPDATE: The mysterious sausage pie recipe

UPDATE: My cousin Diane immediately recognized this recipe when I posted it to Facebook a few weeks ago. It’s Great Grandma Florence Capobianco’s “Pizza Chena”  – an Italian Easter dish. And my Aunt Rose Marie thinks it’s her handwriting!

Diane, having made this many times shared with me her suggestions for perfecting the Capobianco Pizza Chena. Purchasing pizza dough is a huge timesaver, rather than all the work involved in making the dough from scratch. Diane always par bakes the pie shell. She explains that the bottoms are hard to cook because the filling is wet from the ricotta and eggs – it tends to get soggy otherwise.

Diana makes a variation these days replacing the dried tenderloin which is difficut to find, with chopped prosciutto, salami and pepperoni. Great Grandma Capo used cheddar cheese which Diane also uses in addition to swiss and provalone. She’s even tried including chopped hard boiled eggs.

“My mom and I experimented with different ingredients over the years and know matter what you add, it is still amazing.”

A big thank you to cousin Diane!!

sausage pie recipe

Nov 25

While shredding old papers filed from 1970, my Mother found this sausage pie recipe. It’s her handwriting but she doesn’t remember where she copied it from – it’s a mystery! Since Mom ended up saving it, we think the recipe had to be a good one.

I’ve decided I must make this. The dough instruction seems a bit vague “water to consistency”  – I’ll have to just try my best with that one (or get a little help from google).

Look out for a recipe post on this in the next few weeks!

tagged in moms, old school foods