Summer Garden Update #2
We have a lot of photos this time because there are so many interesting things happening on the deck. First, we’ve noticed that many things we seeded last year are coming back. We have wildflowers, marigolds, thyme and now, cilantro! There are 5 or 6 seedlings that grew from last year’s plant. Here’s a particularly cute specimen:
In our first garden update, we were wondering what the wildflower that grew from seed in the cinder block was. We still don’t know the name, but it has bloomed!
We have two or three others like this, and they look terrific. Also, like our thyme plant, which is in bloom, it seems to be attracted a lot of honey bees, which we don’t get on the deck otherwise. It is also attracting this strange half-green critter, which I believe is a sweat bee.
And we are beginning to produce some edible varieties! Our tomatoes, for some reason, are all growing like crazy this year. We even have some early fruit:
And our good friend John Kuhner gave us strawberry plants which are producing strawberries despite their diminutive size.
The kale seems to be coming along, although we wish it would grow faster.
And we’re blown away by how well the tomato plants we grew from seed are doing! Next year we’ll get started earlier and start more plants from seed.
And last, but certainly not least, our dark roses are in full bloom!
Enjoy your June!