Posts Tagged ‘mountain man’

Summer Garden Update #2


We have a lot of photos this time because there are so many interesting things happening on the deck. First, we’ve noticed that many things we seeded last year are coming back. We have wildflowers, marigolds, thyme and now, cilantro! There are 5 or 6 seedlings that grew from last year’s plant. Here’s a particularly cute specimen: cilantro above In our first garden update, we were wondering what the wildflower that grew from seed in the cinder block was. We still don’t know the name, but it has bloomed! We have […]

Vintage Food Signage – Lake George

Lake George Vintage Food Signage

Recently I visited my favorite upstate retreat – Lake George.  It’s truly a special place. Thomas Jefferson thought so too… On May 31, 1791, Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to his daughter, “Lake George is without comparison, the most beautiful water I ever saw; formed by a contour of mountains into a basin… finely interspersed with islands, its water limpid as crystal, and the mountain sides covered with rich groves… down to the water-edge: here and there precipices of rock to checker the scene and save it from monotony.” […]

No Strawberries in Your Garden? Eat Marigolds!

Hat Of Mountain Man

John Kuhner is back home on Wildcat Mountain, rediscovering his garden: The garden of course is ten thousand joys, and ten thousand sorrows. Failure is part of the experience, I suppose. Last year I planted strawberry plants; in my clods nine plants have become more than fifty. My Mother Earth News tells me I can get up to a quart of strawberries per plant, which seems an amusing fiction, if not a bitter mockery. I will be happy to get so much as a strawberry per plant… while there’s not much edible […]