Let the Carrot Speak for Itself
Carrots are rich in flavor, they don’t need much seasoning. Let the carrot speak for itself. Below is a simple side dish recipe that’s delicious. It’s perfect with a nice cut of beef and mash potatoes.
1 lb. bag of carrots
3 sprigs rosemary
Good butter (Kerry Gold or Plugra)
Salt and pepper liberally
1. Peel carrots and cut them in half. Cut long ways if they’re really thick
2. In a frying pan melt the butter and cook the carrots on high heat for about 5 min until they brown
3. Lower the heat and cover for about 7 min or until you can stick a fork in the thick end of the carrot. Take out the thin carrots when they’re done and leave the larger ones. You don’t want the carrots to be mushy.
That’s it!